Supporting "viva el fútbol"
Dear reader, if you can one day visit "viva el fútbol" in Cuba you will see for yourself, in the children's and the adults' eyes, just how important this football project is for the Cuban people. To keep first-class health and education systems running with a 3rd World infrastructure, as in Cuba – that deserves respect, and above all, support. Thank you very much / "muchas gracias" to all donors and sponsors.
Would you too like to support children's football in Cuba and be also part of the "viva el fútbol" community? We are extremely grateful for your donation!
NGO Camaquito Switzerland
Kinderhilfsorganisation Camaquito
Nidelbadstrasse 82, CH-8038 Zurich
Donations account: PC 90-161400-1, IBAN CH69 0900 0000 9016 1400 1
Please state "viva el fútbol" as purpose of use
NGO Camaquito Germany
Kinderhilfsorganisation Camaquito Deutschland e.V.
Stadtsparkasse München, Konto Nr. 1002660023, BLZ 701 500 00
IBAN: DE78 7015 0000 1002 6600 23, BIC: SSKM DE MM
Please state "viva el fútbol" as purpose of use
„fútbol en los barrios“ (“football in the outskirts”) Team Sponsorship Concept